The Art of Housekeeping
WE HAVE A HOUSEKEEPER — Argentina — She’s an artist!
She consistently shows up every two weeks on time, creating positive change as she vacuums, dusts, polishes, washes, and scrubs floors and windows, inside and out.
Argentina does work that not anyone can achieve. What results she gets!
She’s a professional — Not an amateur — Not a hack.
She has a process, specific techniques, and trusted products.
She’s a leader in the genre of housekeeping and managing a home using her mind and hands. And — she’s a lovely human being.
She commits to her work, is self-directed, making a choice to do the best job she possibly can, and that’s a creative decision on behalf of beauty.
She cares about her work and works hard with respect for our home, the furnishings, and every object.
She’s proud of her work. It’s filled with generosity and selflessness because she’s focused on the task and art of keeping a home clean and orderly.
When she’s finished, our house shines. It’s Beautiful!
The world is a better place to live in because of her attitude and skills. That’s art!
It’s an honor to know Argentina and work with her.
Who are the people that care for you and make life better?
Thanks — Michael (he, him)