Stop Complaining
WHAT HAPPENS IF you stop complaining?
If you stop criticizing other people to make yourself feel superior?
How will your life improve if you stop expressing annoyance and dissatisfaction about everything — stop being a bellyacher, grumbler, moaner, sniveler, squawker, whiner?
I have a coaching client who saw how much she loves to complain — that complaint and finding faults don’t solve problems; it attracts them, so she stopped complaining. Instead, she took action and shifted to liking things — worked to be respected — chose not to settle and go after what she wanted and desired most for her life.
Because of these new and better choices:
– She found a house she loves and put in an offer to buy.
– She stands up for herself and now is being praised at work where before she was overlooked.
– She’s getting job interviews for work she’s passionate about.
– She’s no longer in the shadows waiting. She’s picking herself, and people are seeking her out.
Ending complaint makes for happiness and attracts positive results into your life. Wanna try and see what happens?
Thanks — Michael (he,him)