Positive Addiction
PEOPLE GET ADDICTED to all kinds of things and activities, and the addiction can be harmful and heartbreaking, causing psychological and physical pain. Gambling, drugs, alcohol, anger, sex, food, bullying, racism, greed, the internet.
I think of my father, who suffered as an alcoholic and made a courageous choice to get help and changed and battled daily with his addiction but stuck to his new life choice!
This personal wellness choice leads us to positive addictions — the decision and commitment to nourish our entire being,
not poison it.
Positive addition includes activities and thought changes such as exercise, yoga, meditation, creativity with the arts, teaching, volunteer work, thinking about and helping other people.
I’m digging into the positive addictive power of:
Emotional and habit-forming choices that have a profound good effect on yourself and others.
One change I’m proud of is removing complaints from my life and the feeling that the world owed me something because I lived with adversity for a long time (questions about money, health, personal identity).
Instead, I worked hard at knowing myself and what I wanted, changing
how I saw myself and the outside world.
The new habit of choosing gratitude, of praising the world instead of
cursing it, created big change.
I’m a gratitude addict.
Gratitude empowers my mind and heart and makes me happy. It gives me strength, peace, tremendous positive energy, clarity of mind, unlimited creativity, and good health.
Positive addiction is a different kind of pleasure and hard work because you’re choosing to respect yourself, not hurt yourself.
Change is not easy, but it’s worth it.
Put in the effort for change. It’s your life!
Thanks — Michael (he, him)