Michael Feeley
2 min readMar 5, 2021
Bernard Shaw — Times UK photo

Modern Elders Play

AS A MODERN ELDER and senior leader, I choose to play full out in how I live my life. I’m not sitting on the sidelines waiting to be picked. I’m actively playing in the game of life.

None of us know how long we will be here on earth so make a choice to live every day as if you have all… the… time… in… the… world.

When you play at something (by yourself or with others), you have deep pleasure — joy — happiness — bliss — recreation. Doing something you love — gardening — painting — teaching — writing a Blog — organizing — cooking — raising your family — helping other people to enjoy their lives.

Play is healthy. Play is creative. You learn and grow in mind — body — and spirit when you play.

A hero of mine is Irish playwright Bernard Shaw (notice the first part of the word playwright). He lived to be 94, having written more than 60 plays, and was often rated second only to Shakespeare.

Bernard Shaw was a modern elder and senior leader who knew how to play full out in his life with immense humility and generosity as an author, polemicist, and social activist.

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.” — Bernard Shaw

Thanks — Michael