I’ve Got Your Back
ONE OF MY favorite phrases is — “I’ve got your back.”
What a commitment to the life of another human being!
It hasn’t been said to me often, but I feel profoundly cared about and safe when I hear these words.
To me, it means:
> I’ll help you and defend you.
> You’re not alone. I’m looking out for you.
> I’m behind you.
> I’ve got you covered.
> I back up you, your words, ideas, and actions.
And let’s go deeper still:
> I’ve not only got your back, but I’ve got your sides and front and interior. So I’ve got all of you covered to the best of my ability. I see you — hear you —
you matter.
What trust, empathy, and love are in these four words —
I’ve Got Your Back.
Why shouldn’t we each have one another’s backs All-The-Time?
How can — I’ve Got Your Back — be a universal desire and core value choice?
Thanks — Michael (he, him)