Integrity is Being True to Your Self
INTEGRITY IS THE most crucial thing in my life.
When I think of its meaning, I think of persistence — being steady — whole — integrated — living one way in all situations and that the choices I make will not harm another person as I live my life the way I want to live.
Human integrity is about purpose and being true to my self in all I do — always and in all ways.
Recently I was told I do too much, give more than is expected, and that how I show up might make other people feel they do not do enough.
> Why must I reel in my work ethic, skills, spirit, and love for what I do and shine less?
> Why must I turn my self down to be adequate and less than who I am?
That is not integrity to me.
Complete integrity is sustained love for life (with all the flaws in me and the world) without cutting back, dumbing, and dulling down.
Other people make themselves feel less, not me.
It’s how they see the world — the choices they make in how they show up.
I’m not in competition. I am part of a team and an event. I am not looking to beat out or shame others. If you win, I win. We work together.
Champions show up to do their best every single day, whether they win or not. Integrity is a state of mind, heart, and body.
Thanks — Michael