Covid and Kindness
Has the Pandemic made you a kinder person?
Are you more grateful or less grateful at this time in your life and work?
While the pandemic still creates fear and concerns, are you more self-centered and demanding about services and what you expect from people, or do you have more patience and goodwill?
What about compassion? Do you have more understanding, support and love for the world and other people or the welfare of others doesn’t matter?
What about hope — respect — care — shaming — judgment — good intentions — anger — ego — playfulness — working together — humility — contempt — generosity — how do these choices, qualities, values and emotions work in you now?
I’m inquiring — checking in — assessing these questions and feelings in myself and the people I meet in the work I do as a coach, real estate broker, and writer — observing — curious +++
Thanks — Michael (he, him)