Are You Living In or Out of Integrity?
1. What does it feel like when you live in integrity, being your true self?
(I’m happy, calm, energized, focused, organized, grateful, clear, not rushed. I feel peace, joy, freedom, well connected to other people and the world; my needs are minimal.)
2. What does it feel like when you live out of integrity, not your true self?
(I’m irritated, speedy, dull, nit-picky of other people and things, distracted, scattered, frustrated, tired, isolated, focused too much on me, things don’t blend, feeling I’m missing out and lacking things.)
Study what you’re doing in each state of being in and out of integrity.
Living in or out of integrity is a choice and will affect the quality of your life… every… single… day.
Integrity is living your true nature, living the essence and truth of you always in all ways.
Thanks — Michael